Community Groups

Community Groups are the primary way that we scatter during the week; meeting in small groups centered around a neighborhood, justice need, or common mission. We pray, eat, and spend time together as we focus on living out Jesus’ teachings in our city.

CG's have three identities:

  • Family: Community Groups “do life” together. We share meals, resources, pain, joy, and care for one another as the family of God.
  • Missionary: Community Groups pursue active ways to publicly live out our faith and share the gospel and tangibly embody the kingdom of God in our communities. This is often centered around a common mission (local foster care, a specific business/organization, etc.) or a general neighborhood area.
  • Disciple: Community Groups actively encourage each other in the study of Scripture, learning the teachings of Jesus, becoming more like him, and carrying on his mission in the world.

How to get involved

The best way to get involved is to fill out the contact form below or email and we will connect you with a community in your area.