With Coronavirus (COVID-19) being reported and requirements changing almost daily in Wake County and surrounding areas, local officials working with the CDC have restricted gatherings of 10 or more. While the virus is not really dangerous to the vast majority of our church, it is very dangerous to some and we want to exercise care for the most vulnerable, which in this case are the elderly and those with underlying health conditions. 

Though our weekly rhythms are disrupted, the Church carries on! And while we won’t be meeting in person at the Cary Arts Center for the foreseeable future, we want to share with you what our new normal will look like moving forward.

As we often say at Emmaus, church is not a building, nor an event, it is a people. That’s you. That’s me. Historically, the Church has always moved towards calamity not away, so while caution is still needed in how we demonstrate love for neighbor, we ask you to be on the lookout for situations where you can step in to help meet real needs that will be all around us - in our church, our neighborhoods and our cities.         

Below you will see a list of a kind of FAQ that will hopefully answer some of your bigger questions. While these are not prescriptive, we hope they set expectations for all of us on how we can walk faithfully together through this season - continuing to be the local Church fulfilling our God-authored mission - even when the mission takes us through a pandemic. Stay safe, love well. 

Let us know if you have any questions or need any help 


How are we gathering?

With the restrictions of no groups of 10+ placed on us, we won’t be able to meet all together for some time. However, it’s our desire for Emmaus Church to gather regularly in community, around God's Word and at the Table. So, for this season we want to provide you with a weekly liturgy--worship in song, prayer, teaching & discussion-- that you can do with your family on the couch, or by yourself. Each week we will provide you with a recorded teaching, application questions, prayer prompts, communion table instructions and some songs to aid in worship. You’re free to meet with your Community Group, Bible Study or simply as friends but our encouragement is that you would honor our civic authorities, be wise and be healthy.

In addition, we want to encourage other ways to “gather” over these weeks. As you know we are in the middle of the Lent season and we want to continue to seek the presence of the Lord communally and individually. Let’s try not to miss the goodness of each day and bring our best selves to it.


How are we serving?

…Our Family

As a church body, we must learn more and more how to love and care for our brothers and sisters during this time. As preventative measures are put into effect, some will be affected differently than others. It is crucial that we think and pray of ways to encourage and serve the body of Emmaus.

  • Listen: Stay connected via phone or video chat with your Community Group and other people at Emmaus to hear about needs and ways to encourage one another.

  • The older and immune compromised: Help prevent the spread of COVID-19 to our brothers and sisters who are 60 years of age and older and for those who have compromised immune systems.

  • Providing for those who can’t work: There will be some of us that cannot work because of businesses closing. Some may need help financially and may be in need of resources.

  • Child care for those whose kids are out of school, but need to work: While school is out and parents are working at home, there may be need for child-care or tutoring.

  • Pilot Clean-up coming: As we get closer to closing on the new location in Raleigh, we will need help cleaning and getting ready to move in. Stay tuned for this opportunity. 

…Our Neighbors & City

As the body of Christ, we are called not only to love our brothers and sisters but our neighbors as well. Just as Emmaus church is being affected by COVID-19 our state, cities, and neighborhoods are as well. The church is called to be a blessing to the nations and we want to find ways to do that during this time. 

  • Engage your Neighbors: Just as we stay connected to each other, reach out to your neighbors and people in the community and see where there may be needs.

  • Support Local: There are many local businesses in the area that are suffering because of precautionary measures taken. For those that are still open to some capacity, support them financially or any way that’s needed.

  • Yellow Dog: A local business that has been part of the Emmaus family is Yellow Dog Bread Company. They are trying to continue to serve the community and remain open during this time and are in need of support and encouragement.

  • Don’t go out if you don’t feel well: Being good neighbors means stopping the spread of COVID-19. Be wise when it comes to traveling and interacting with others.


How are we giving?

Even in these times of perceived scarcity, uncertainty and limited means, God has called his people to reflect his nature of abundance to the world. Our Heavenly Father has been generous to us; He’s given us everything we need for such a time as this! Everything He wants to do through us has already been given to us--and part of that is in our bank accounts! 

Giving at Emmaus has been down lately, but God continues to bless us with so much! So, let me challenge you to defy the spirit of the age in this season to give and give generously to a God who has given us everything we have. We serve an abundant Father, so we give out of that--no matter the season! 

We want to be able to bless our community in downtown Raleigh as we begin to move there! We are currently in talks with our Raleigh neighbors to see what the real needs are, so we can take care of some of those needs through giving and serving. Give and look forward to hearing of opportunities. 

Speaking of opportunities, we are making plans, interviewing with banks, and courting architecture firms as we seek God’s plan as He moves us into downtown Raleigh. Your generosity plays a huge part in what God is doing. Even during a crisis we are excited and hope-filled to see just what God is going to do next through your response to His faithfulness to you. Thanks for giving!  


How are we praying?

We need to plan, gather, serve and give, but we want to be people marked by prayer these days. To not have a  pray-first mentality, only serves to indict us for our supposed self-sufficiency. Set aside time daily to pray, we will set aside some time(s) for us all  to “gather” to pray. 

Daily Prayer 

Some ways to grow in prayer in this season: 

  • Befriend silence

  • Leverage boredom 

  • Embrace the truth that prayer is not something we master, but an act that forms us.

  • Pray the words of others who have gone before us. (Psalms, Valley of Vision)

  • Trust God is always waiting for you with open arms. 

What/How to Pray: (A more detailed list

  • Pray for the sick

  • Pray for the healthcare workers

  • Pray for the vulnerable

  • Pray for the unemployed

  • Pray for our leaders

  • Pray for students & families

  • Pray for churches 

Prayer Gatherings

Look forward to some prayer gatherings over Google Hangouts (We will keep you updated!)


How can I get updates?

It is our hope to give you guys timely and regular touch-ins, of both info and simple encouragements. Please download the Emmaus App as that functions as the epicenter of communication. We will also be communicating through Slack and various emails. Remember to actually call and talk to people, go outside, make connections with your neighbors. Love well! 

Wash your hands, you sinners... “ James 4:8b