Reflection 1: “I am the Lord’s servant”. How are you approaching prayer as participation?
Is your life one of consenting participation with Christ?*
As time passes and your own lack of control becomes more apparent, are you growing in resilience, or in anxiety?*
Are you prayers mostly entitled demands, insisting on deliverance from circumstances that don’t align with your plan?*
Might your prayers be the apathetic mumblings, acting out a part in a spiritual drama in which you don’t actually believe you have a consequential, participatory role?*
* Tyler Staton, Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2022), 139
Reflection 2: “May your will be fulfilled in me”. How is He at work in your family and closest relationships?
How is God at work in your family already?
What is He calling you to participate in with your family?
Reflection 3: “May your will be fulfilled in me”. What is God already doing in your workplace?
How is God at work in your family already?
What is He calling you to participate in with your family?