Holy Formed - NOVEMBER 15th

Slowing Down and Finding Sanctuary


Reflection Questions:

1. What is waiting like for you- what do you feel as you wait?

2. Hans Urs Balthasar writes that sin is rooted in impatience, “Patience is the basic constituent of Christianity.” Do you agree with this view of the central role of patience in the Christian life? Why or why not?

3. How does the liturgical year act as a counterformation to the culture?

4. What are some ways you’ve been intentional about making space and time for beauty, enjoyment, or delight?

5. How does worshipping through your senses influence your relationship with pleasure and beauty?

6. How do you think beauty is part of the mission of the church?

Suggested Practice:

Choose a practice or two for this week.

1. Notice your reaction to times where you are forced to wait this week. Reflect on what your response reveals about your view of time.

2. Next time you’re waiting (whether in line, waiting for an appointment, in traffic, etc.), try to limit distractions. Put away your smartphone and any work while waiting. Just simply wait. Notice your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings.

3. Set aside intentional time this week to do something you find lovely, pleasurable, or delightful.

4. Taste, smell, or look at something pleasing and beautiful. Journal about or discuss that experience of beauty and how it orients and shapes you.



Begins at 10 am, November 15th



Please email kids@emmausrdu.com for resources.



Take a few minutes to practice generosity at Emmaus. You can give online. After giving, pray for generosity and provision at Emmaus in this season, and that God would bless our community.



Be praying for our country and our world as we continue to face this pandemic. Pray also that God would reveal to you how you can be a cross-shaped identity to those around you.

If you have (or someone you know has) a need during this time, please reach out to us so we can pray and look at serving you.


Go be the hands and feet of Jesus.