Holy Formed - October 11th

Waking, Worship, & Baptism


Reflective questions:

1. How do you normally wake up? Slowly or quickly? Chipper or groggy?

2. In a typical day, what are your first conscious thoughts as you wake? How do those thoughts shape your day? And those days your life?

3. What practical steps might help you recall in your first waking moments that you are beloved and a part of God’s people?

* If it is hard for you to believe that you are beloved of God, spend some this week asking “what are some of the obstacles to embracing your identity as beloved?”

4. Micah mentioned the quote from record mogul Rick Rubin about “training ourselves to see the awe behind the obvious”. Is this something that comes easily to you or is it something you struggle to do? 


1. What is one thing you can do do differently this week as you wake? Or something you can replace when you first wake?


- Rather than running through the list of to-dos, anxieties, or work items, Say aloud “I am clothed in Christ and beloved by God.”

- Rather than reaching for your phone, read the story of Jesus’ baptism.

- Rather than hitting snooze, praise God for who He is.

2. Notice how these changes impact your day and journal about it or discuss it with a friend. 



Begins at 10 am, October 11th



Please email kids@emmausrdu.com for resources.



Take a few minutes to practice generosity at Emmaus. You can give online. After giving, pray for generosity and provision at Emmaus in this season, and that God would bless our community.



Be praying for our country and our world as we continue to face this pandemic. Pray also that God would reveal to you how you can be a cross-shaped identity to those around you.

If you have (or someone you know has) a need during this time, please reach out to us so we can pray and look at serving you.


Go be the hands and feet of Jesus.