Holy Formed - October 18th

Creation, the good life, and making your bed


Reflection Questions:

1. Tish Warren speaks of making the bed as a way to make “The first activity of our day not as a consumer but that of a collaborator with God,” have you ever thought of bed making this way? Other mundane tasks?

2. Looking at your daily habits what is your vision of the good life? - Are there small, repetitive habits in your day that point you to a particular view of the “good life”? What are they?

3. Can you think of a daily practice or ritual that has formed or shaped you in a big or small way? Is there a practice or liturgy that has malformed you and you may need to change?


1. As you make your bed, notice what you feel. What is tangible about the experience? Is there anything beautiful or peaceful about it?

2. Write down a repetitive, daily task in your life. As you perform this task, prayerfully ask God to show you the way it shapes you. Journal about it or discuss with a friend or CG.

3. Try to notice this week how you resist stillness and boredom. Carve out a few minutes of silence each day and invite God into that time.

4. Notice small moments of stillness in a day- waiting at a traffic light or for your coffee to brew. Embrace those moments by letting them remain empty and quiet.

5. If you have a smartphone, put it away for a morning, afternoon or day and reflect on that experience.



Begins at 10 am, October 18th



Please email kids@emmausrdu.com for resources.



Take a few minutes to practice generosity at Emmaus. You can give online. After giving, pray for generosity and provision at Emmaus in this season, and that God would bless our community.



Be praying for our country and our world as we continue to face this pandemic. Pray also that God would reveal to you how you can be a cross-shaped identity to those around you.

If you have (or someone you know has) a need during this time, please reach out to us so we can pray and look at serving you.


Go be the hands and feet of Jesus.