Holy Formed - October 25th

Brushing teeth, the Incarnation and life in body


Reflection Questions:

1. How do you think God’s taking on a human body (incarnation) impacts our worship and life in Christ?

2. “If the church does not teach us what our bodies are for, our culture certainly will.” - Tish Warren.

        - What does our culture tell us about what our bodies are and what they are for?

3. What does your response to inconveniences or “small” suffering reveal about what you love and fear? About your heart?

4. What is your response to moments of sin or failure in your day? How might you meet God in those moments?

5. What significance do you find in the fact that both Word and sacrament are related to food and eating? 

6. Was there ever a time in your when the Scriptures seemed dry or unappealing? How did you handle that?

Suggested Practice:

Choose the practice that you most identify with.

1. Decide on one concrete way to care for your body. Reflect on or journal about the ways caring for your body impacts your life in Christ.

2. When you encounter sin in your day, specifically confess it to God. Remind yourself aloud of God’s mercy and forgiveness or have a time of confession with a friend and ask them to remind you of Christ’s forgiveness and mercy.

3. As you read the scripture this week, notice where you experience nourishment and the places where you struggles and feel like the scriptures are stale or unappetizing.



Begins at 10 am, October 25th



Please email kids@emmausrdu.com for resources.



Take a few minutes to practice generosity at Emmaus. You can give online. After giving, pray for generosity and provision at Emmaus in this season, and that God would bless our community.



Be praying for our country and our world as we continue to face this pandemic. Pray also that God would reveal to you how you can be a cross-shaped identity to those around you.

If you have (or someone you know has) a need during this time, please reach out to us so we can pray and look at serving you.


Go be the hands and feet of Jesus.